Hi, my name is Tim Pratt and I am the founder and creator of AwakenPrayer.com. I appreciate your taking a look at our site and I hope you find it interesting, inspiring and helpful.


In December 2014 Tim had a vivid dream that woke him up. The setting of the dream was a war room in the midst of a great battle and the theme was the need to communicate battle details with our people so they could pray. As he pondered this dream, thoughts and ideas about a website for prayer started coming to his mind. The nucleus for what you see here today and what is yet to be build was scribbled in his notebook that morning.


Awaken Prayer is established to encourage and rally the body of Christ in prayer with timely information, communication, and organizational tools as well as educational resources. Awaken is intended, first and foremost to bring glory and fame to the name of Jesus Christ. It is to equip the saints, prepare the bride and unite the body of Christ in prayer as never before.


Awaken Prayer is totally dependent upon the Lord for the development and maintenance of this site. Hudson Taylor said: “God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supplies.” We stand upon the truth of this statement. Awaken Prayer is offered free to all of God’s people.


AwakenPrayer.com is owned by Upper Room Ministries. We are organized this way to free ourselves from burdensome government regulations and oversight of non-profit organizations, including political speech restrictions. It is our intent that within the guidelines of our Terms of Use Policy, users are free to post any prayer request to our community. Awaken Prayer must also be free to post urgent prayer requests related to the entire spectrum of current events. Under current USA IRS rules, this would not be possible as a non-profit organization.


We still have some work to do before Awaken matches the full scope of the original vision. Lord willing, and as funding becomes available, we shall continue to build out the site. The major areas left to build are: — Prayer Alerts (our flash prayer-news bulletins) — Resource Page (free and for-sale content to encourage and bulid up the body of Christ in prayer) — Finally, we hope to adapt it to the major languages of the world.